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International Health Cover > Recursos > Preguntas sobre seguros > ¿Ofrecen planes de seguro médico grupal en Egipto?

Mi compañía estadounidense necesita seguro médico en Egipto para sus empleados, ¿ofrecen seguro médico grupal en Egipto?

Podemos ofrecer una amplia selección de planes de seguros médicos grupales en Egipto, a cualquier compañía con sede en Egipto.
Como broker de seguros médicos internacionales, ofrecemos planes de salud en Egipto así como también en otros países del mundo.
Nuestros planes de seguro médico internacional permiten que usted cambie de país o se mude al exterior.

Nuestros planes de seguro médico grupal en Egipto tienen beneficios integrales y son simples de utilizar para sus empleados. Uno de los principales beneficios de inscribirse en un seguro médico grupal en Egipto es la flexibilidad para agregar y quitar empleados de los planes de seguros médicos al cabo de un período corto de tiempo. En general, la cobertura continua dnerally, continuous cover is achievable in case a member leaves the enterprise and transfers to an Individual plan under similar conditions.

All our Group Health Insurance plans in Egypt offer several levels of cover. You may for example have some employees covered for Inpatient and Outpatient while the rest of your employees could have a more comprehensive coverage including Maternity benefits. Whether your company is local or foreign we can offer an appropriated International Healthcare plan suited to your type of business.

For a business health insurance group in Egypt of more than 20 employees we can offer Group Healthcare plans with MHD option (Medical History Disregard). MHD terms allow your employees in Egypt to be covered for their pre-existing medical conditions without underwriting. Getting rid of the pre-existing medical conditions waiting period will also simplify and accelerate employee’s enrollment on the healthcare plan. MHD can also allow employees with pre-existing medical conditions to join the plan with no cover restrictions.

Employees Health Insurance benefits play an important role in retaining your employees as Medical Insurance benefits it is perceived as a key advantage by company members.

In order to find out about Health Insurance in Egypt please contact us for a comprehensive Health Insurance Quote.

International Health Cover is a Healthcare advisor. We help you finding the best Health Insurance. No matter which country you are located our Medical Insurance advisor can find the best Medical Insurance for you. We work with acclaimed Health Aseguradoras to guarantee you will have High quality benefits and cover.