Inpatient benefits
Coverage for Teacher Healthcare plans:
Like regular International Health Insurance
plans, Healthcare plans for Teachers offer several levels
of cover.
The first level of cover which is available to a Teacher medical
insurance plan is Hospitalization which typically covers medical
cost when you are admitted at the hospital.
This covers the cost of the Clinic or Hospital room for yourself
while you are under the teacher healthcare plan. It also
includes treatment received while you are hospitalized.
Hospitalization coverage usually also includes the cost of
prescribed medication as well as medical exams you may
need to undertake ( Laboratory tests, CT Scans, x-rays,
MRIs,...).Prescribed medication is also covered.
Surgery is also generally covered under Hospitalization
benefits, whether it is part of Inpatient surgery.
Outpatient benefits
Coverage for Teacher Healthcare plans:
Teacher Health insurance plans can offer
coverfor Outpatient. Teacher Outpatient health insurance plans
typically cover the cost of medical consultations whether you go
and see a Specialist or a GP .
Dependants under the teacher medical insurance plans will also
be covered for prescribed medication. Healthcare coverage
benefits for Teachers include medical test ( X-Rays, MRIs, CT
Scans, Laboratory tests...). Some complementary medicines such
as Chiropractor, acupuncture, Homeopathy, or Psychiatric
treatment may be available in the plan as an option.
Maternity benefits Coverage
for Teacher Healthcare plans:
Maternity benefits are optional and available
as part of your Teacher Healthcare plan. Maternity benefits
typically have waiting periods which is different with each
Health insurance provider. Your Teacher Medical insurance plan
may offer cover from pre-delivery test, diagnostic tests or
complications arising during delivery. Post delivery may also be
covered, so does new born cover.
Dental benefits
Coverage for Teacher Healthcare plans:
Dental benefits can belong to "routine
dental" or "major dental treatment". Your Teacher Health
Insurance plan coverage may include both types of dental
coverage. Dental care such as Paradontics or Orthodontics are
normally part of "major dental treatment".