Cote d'Ivoire Hospital List
We have
gathered a
comprehensive list of Hospitals in Cote d'Ivoire.
This information may change and you
are encouraged
contact your local government
before traveling to the
Cote d'Ivoire to
check whether you have the most
up to date information.
Hopital de Port Bouet
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: + 225 2127 85 00
Institut de Cardiologie
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: + 225 2125 81 29
Fax: + 225 2125 92 10
Polyclinique Internationale De
L' Indenie
4, Bd de L' Indenie - Plateau
01 B.P. 1560
Abidjan 01
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: + 225 20 21 53 53
Fax: + 225 20 22 81 59
Polyclinique Internationale
Sainte Anne-Marie
Avenue J. Blohorn
01 B.P. 1463
Abidjan 01
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: + 225 22 44 51 32
Fax: + 225 22 44 68 60
Polyclinique la Madone
Boulevard du Gabon
Marcory Hibiscus
01 B.P.
Abidjan 01-1343
Cote d'Ivoire
Tel: + 225 2126 1456
Fax: + 225 2126 6534
If you wish to have receive more
information about
International Medical Insurance in
Cote d'Ivoire, receive a
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contact one of our team