- India Health Insurance Information
offers comprehensive healthcare through the local (state or territorial}
The public healthcare system,
financed by taxpayers' money, boasts of an array of impressive government
hospitals (some of them are ranked among the best in India). The
system also covers medication and a lot of essential medications are dispensed
at no charge to the patients.
Here medical treatments are relatively cheap,
or at no cost. To cite an example, an out-patient treatment at AIIMS (one of the
best hospitals in India) would
cost a fee of riupees 10 (equivalent to 20 cents US) at first visit.
There would be no cost for subsequent medical advices. If
in-hospital treatment is required, cost would be based on financial condition
and facilities necessary of the patient.
In fact, if a patient is deemed to be below poverty line,
no fee would be imposed. But patients have choice for little luxuries such as
air-conditioned rooms, which come with an additional token amount. Invariably
the charge for in-hospital treatments as well as investigations cost relatively
less compared to a private hospital. This is possible due to the annual subsidy
from the central and/or state governments.
Primary care is dispensed over at the city and
district hospitals, and also primary health centers (PHC) in the rural areas
and is free of charge.
Here the primary care is concerned more with immunization,
prevention of malnutrition, child birth, postnatal care, pregnancy, and
treatment of common illnesses.
Patients who are in need of specialized treatment can go to
secondary (at district and taluk headquarters) and tertiary care hospitals (at
district and state headquarters or those teaching hospitals).
Good as they are, the government hospitals still run into
staff shortage and sometimes financial constraints, which result in poor
service. Many patients have started to turn to private healthcare providers.
Competition has also emerged in the form of
Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotional Trust and other private business.
More and more private hospitals and clinics are being
built. These new hospitals and clinics also offer subsidized, or even free,
medical care. The other offering is also subsidized insurance plans.
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