- Mexico Healthcare Information
Healthcare industry in
has achieved remarkable accomplishment in the last half-century.
This is especially noted by the amazing increase of 25 years in life
expectancy. While the last 4
generations of Mexicans have been enjoying the benefits of the national health
care program, there are still millions of Mexicans who have no access to health
care services. The industry spent
around 6.4% of GDP annually but this only goes to the health insurance of 40%
population who are gainfully employed.
The healthcare system in the country is pluralistic -- a combination of
public and private insurance programs.
It has three components: the social security institute, governmental
services for the uninsured, and the private sector.
The governmental services
encompass all forms of coverage spelled out by the Secretariat of Health, and it
is free in the rural areas. Family
planning, emergency, vaccination and oral rehydration services are free
throughout the country. From 1985 to
1995, there are 41% more public hospitals in the country.
Private hospitals do exist but it is not free of charge and not capable
of providing adequate health care.
Most of the private hospitals are small and typically have less than 14 beds,
with 50% having less than 5 beds.
Even with the increasingly
more public hospitals and alternative health services, as much as 11% of
Mexicans do not have adequate access to health care.
The main reason for this discouraging situation is that even tough
healthcare related expenses like treatments and medications are not expensive;
they are often out of reach of poor Mexicans.
Geographical factors like remote area that is too far away from the
nearest medical facility or sometimes lack of transportation to get there.
Finally there could be a sense of mistrust, or a perception that medical
services rendered are of poor quality.
All these factors combined to restrict universal access to health care
services especially those who are poor and stay in rural areas.
From policymakers'
standpoint, the country's public healthcare system is indeed comprehensive. The
country's Article 4 of the Constitution states that no citizen should be denied
of any public healthcare assistance. The fund for this public care is fully
financed by taxation money and patients either receive free or sometimes charged
at a token sum, treatments; taking into account of the patients' employment
who are under the employment of private businesses can look forward to Instituto
Mexicano del
Seguro Social (IMSS) (English: Mexican Social Security Institute) for individual
as well as dependants' coverage through its healthcare program. The fund of IMSS
healthcare program comes from the employee, his or her private employer, and the
federal government; all make contribution in equal parts.
The IMSS does not allow
employees of public sector to become members. Instead, public sector employees
are dependent on the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los
Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) (English: Institute for Social Security and
Services for State Workers) to look after their healthcare needs. The ISSSTE
covers all government workers, ranging from local, state, and all the way to
federal government employees.
Even with the impressive
improvement in life expectancy, health status and health care availability in
is still less than satisfactory, especially compared to OECD averages. Total
expenditures in the healthcare industry amounts to 6.4 percent of GDP (gross
domestic product) in 2005; which equates to US$675 per capita (adjusted for
purchasing power parity) which constitutes only about 25% of OECD average
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