- UK Health Insurance Information
Its is David
Lloyd George who
introduced in
1911 the
Insurance Act in
which a
amount was taken
off an employees
salary and in
return they were
granted to the
right to benefit
from free
healthcare. This
system however
was only for the
people who were
United Kingdom National Health
System was created in 1946 as a
result of the welfare state
reform policy.
Before this date the
healthcare was for the rich only
and unless you were able to get
free treatment through either
teaching Hospitals or
charity there was very little
option available.
A large number of doctors were
at first opposed to the idea of
the NHS providing free public
health care.
The minister of health Aneurin
Bevan succeeded in convincing
Healthcare profession of the
benefits the National Health
System was going to have upon
the National Health care system
currently in force.
The original idea was to provide
a fair Health system to everyone
no matter what income or
background people may have.
By 1974 there was some
concern raised by the fact that
the separation of the 3 primary
area of Healthcare was causing
issues. Therefore, a deep
reorganization was decided in
order to support all 3 under
their respective local
authority. During Margaret
Thatcher governement the
management system was
restructured and later in 1990
the National Health Service &
Community Care Act was adopted
to build independent Trusts to
further manage Health care.
In recent years the system prove
to lack quality care in
comparison to the private
Healthg care sector.
In some places in UK it is
becoming more and more difficult
to find dentist with free space
in their agenda.
This situation leads parents to
seek such treatment in the
private sector.
For such reason Private
HealthCare has continued
providing services aside the
If you need medical coverage
in UK we can help you by
providing accurate
medical insurance
whether it be for
yourself, your
family or your
company. You can ask us for
free quote
that will suit your Health care
needs. Whether you need
Hospitalization, Outpatient,
Maternity or Dental coverage our
team of Highly trained advisors
will help you define which plan
is best. please do not hesitate
contact one of our highly
trained advisors.