- USA Health Insurance Information
The term Medical
insurance is
commonly used in
the US to refer
to any program
that helps pay
for medical
whether it be
through private
social insurance
or even
social welfare
plans funded by
the American
Synonyms for
this usage
include but are
not limited to
"health care
coverage" and
According to the
United States
Census Bureau,
about 85% of US
Citizens have
60% get it
through an
employer, while
less than 10%
purchase it
In 2006, there
was 47 million citizens (16% of
the population) who had no
health insurance for at least
part of that particular year.
Apart from
programs such as
Medicare or
Medicaid, the
Health care
system in USA
belongs to the
private sector.
Being the
biggest and most
expensive Health
care system in
the world the
World Health
ranked the
American health
care scored 1st
in terms of
healthcare costs
and 1st in
response to
health care
needs but only
37th in terms of
Non profit Hospitals have been
remaining stable (70%) for the
past few years.
Current debate about health care
reform in the US raises issues
as various as: access and
fairness, efficiency, quality
and cost.
Although US Hospitals do provide
Outpatient care they generally
focus on Hospitalization care.
One of the issue currently faced
by the United States Health
system is the difficulty to
sustain high quality urgent care
With an average life expectancy
of 78 years old the United
States have a lower life
expectancy than Europe, Japan
and Canada. The cancer survival
rates in USA are however the
best among all countries.
However, concerns regarding
Obesity have been raised for
decades leading to an increase
of diabetes.
With a large low income
population having difficulties
covering medical expenses the
private health insurance sectors
represents more than a third of
personal health cost while US
Citizens self funded expenses
are increasing.
Local and federal funded
programs account for less than
half of the total Healthcare .
President Barack Obama is
ongoing major health care
reforms to allow more citizens
to have access to Health care
services. The goal is to
offer accessible healthcare to
lower incomes families.
Foreign expatriates are on the
other hand advised to call upon
a sustainable and comprehensive
medical plan to face high
medical cost.
If you wish to have further information about the
international medical insurance
in USA or
free quote, please
do not hesitate to
contact one of our highly
trained advisors.